Power Struggle
When you and your spouse experience conflict, what is the root cause of it? Sometimes when my husband and I disagree, it’s over something trivial; other times, it may be over something more significant. Either way, I find that the root of the ensuing argument doesn’t necessarily relate to the topic of said argument. Often times, it instead becomes a power struggle. One or the other of us desires to prove our superiority, or to muscle the other into conceding. Obviously, this does not demonstrate godly character!
It may be human nature to strive for dominance, but it’s contrary to Scripture. God instructs husbands and wives to submit to one another {Ephesians 5:21}, not to rule over one another. Perhaps this is one of the most difficult aspects of Christian marriage. It first requires submission to God and His authority in order to be obedient to this directive. If we refuse to submit to Almighty God, we will never master submitting to
one another in marriage.
The laying aside of self is the beginning of godly character, as well as a successful and happy marriage. The more we consider our spouse’s happiness, the stronger we grow in a unified relationship, and the more Christ-like we become. The more self-centered we are, the more our marriage suffers.
To experience wedded bliss, relinquish the power struggle to the Lord. Allow Him to direct your motives and your actions. Purpose to love as Christ loves, even if your spouse fails to be lovable from time to time. If we are honest with ourselves, we will acknowledge that we all fall short on occasion.
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“Submit yourselves to one another out of respect for Christ.”
~ Ephesians 5:21