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Swept Off My Feet

Long before we were married, my husband and I talked about our future together. We had always agreed that when we had children, I would give up my outside job to become a full-time, stay-at-home mom. Our resolve would soon be tested as Bobby found himself unemployed within weeks of our wedding.

I conceived our first child two months after our marriage, but my salary alone was not enough to cover our mortgage payment, let alone all the other household expenses. Of course, I assumed that I would be forced to continue working indefinitely. But I assumed wrongly.

As I broached the subject to discuss it with my new husband, he looked at me quizzically and stated confidently, “Our plans haven’t changed. I’ll take care of my family if I have to sweep floors at McDonald’s.”

That simple statement swept me off my feet ~ pun intended! In two short sentences, Bobby had set the tone for our marriage. He had pledged his selfless commitment to be the provider, affirmed his desire to do whatever was necessary to ensure that I was able to be home with our children, and promised his unwavering devotion to his family. As a result, I haven’t held an outside job since April of 1985.

As we moved forward in obedience to God’s will for our family, the Lord provided in ways

we never could have imagined. Bobby started his own business, and it grew rapidly as he faithfully demonstrated his skill and integrity. I assumed the responsibilities of managing his home-based office, and it enabled me to support his work as well as keep my own skills sharp over the years.

Our children are long since grown, but Bobby’s dedication to his family endures. I continue to handle the office, but my duties are much lighter than they had once been, thanks to technological advances. Because my typing skills remained proficient over the years, I gradually began devoting more time to my passion for writing. I started my first blog in 2009, and added Finding Wedded Bliss in 2015. With Bobby’s encouragement, I also began a long-term book project, which I hope to complete sometime next year.

A husband who is willing to sweep floors at McDonald’s for his family is a man of true devotion.

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“My God will richly fill your every need in a glorious way through Christ Jesus.” ~Philippians 4:19

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