Cross Words
The words we speak have great power. They have the potential to encourage or discourage, heal or hurt, soothe or provoke. A kind word to a struggling individual can be the difference between holding on and giving up. A hurtful word spoken out of anger can inflict deep, painful wounds. Constant criticism can break the spirit and extinguish self-worth while gentle words of understanding reassurance can inspire greatness.
In marriage, we must be careful to guard our speech, to choose the words we speak to our spouse carefully. Rather than spewing cross words laced with critical, abusive undercurrents, we must speak uplifting, edifying, constructive words. Kind communication demonstrates to him that he is cherished and respected. It assures her that she is precious and valuable. Tender words of edification have the power to fortify the foundation of marital unity, protecting the relationship from enemy attack and cultural assault.
Think before you speak. Thoughtfully consider your words. Communicate authentic love and concern. Be mindful that your words are overheard by many ears and reveal the nature and depth of your true character. What you speak will influence those around you, and will likely be magnified and returned to you in like manner.
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“The heart of the godly thinks carefully before speaking; the mouth of the wicked overflows with evil words.”
~ Proverbs 15:28