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Don’t mistake the ill-treatment of women in centuries past as God’s sanctioning or approval of such behavior. The Lord is the champion of women! Throughout Scripture, He demonstrated repeatedly how highly He values the fair sex. God’s Word challenges the modern radical-feminist view of patriarchal oppression by commanding husbands to love their wives “as Christ loved the Church and gave up His life for her” {Ephesians 5:25}. A husband is to value the life of his wife as higher than his own. This is hardly the picture of a God who views women as mere property.

We live in a culture in which the Father of Lies has caused great confusion about womanhood. He has deftly convinced generations of females that to marry and have children is beneath her potential. In the 1950’s and 1960’s when my Mom was a young wife and mother, the radical-feminist movement was rapidly gaining momentum. As with most pet-projects of the Evil One, various forms of media were successfully exploited in an effort to lure the masses toward disobedience to God’s Word through skillful, subtle deception. Mom relates that during that time she couldn’t pick up a newspaper or magazine, or watch a TV talk-show without being intimidated by the depraved philosophy of radical-feminism rapidly infiltrating the culture.

Please don’t misunderstand. Certain aspects of the feminist movement were a genuine fight for justice, such as equal pay for equal work. I’m referring instead to the antagonistic pressure from radicals that coerced women to abandon home and family in the name of independence and freedom.

Feminism Past & Present

Some of the work begun by early-1900’s socialist and radical-feminist Margaret Sanger became milestone accomplishments to the movement which continue to haunt us today, causing an unholy backlash denied by those who continue to sing the praises of “women’s reproductive rights”. The development and dissemination of contraception was touted by Sanger as essential to the protection of a woman’s health and well-being. However, her belief in the use of negative eugenics {a social philosophy advocating the reduced rates of sexual reproduction and sterilization of people with less-desired or undesired traits} was largely aimed at poor minorities and certain religious affiliations.

Sanger's secondary purpose in promoting contraception was to allow for the practice of sexual promiscuity without consequence. She herself embraced a licentious lifestyle, indulging in numerous affairs.

According to Wikipedia:

In a speech given by American Birth Control League {now called Planned Parenthood} founder Margaret Sanger in 1921, she divided society into three groups:

1. the "educated and informed" class that regulated the size of their families

2. the "intelligent and responsible" who desired to control their families in spite of lacking the means or the knowledge

3. the "irresponsible and reckless people" whose religious scruples "prevent their exercising control over their numbers."

She confidently stated, "There is no doubt in the minds of all thinking people that the procreation of this [third] group should be stopped." Further, Sanger believed that the combination of eugenics and contraception both sought to "assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit."

With the legalization and increased access of contraception, Sanger encouraged women to be the “absolute mistress of her own body”, and to liberate themselves to enjoy sexual relations free from unwanted pregnancy.

Public acceptance, legalization, production and distribution of contraception suddenly found women indulging in sexual promiscuity like never before, without restraint or accountability, willfully rejecting any moral or religious standard.

Cloaked in the disguise of women’s health, safety, choice, and compassion for the poverty-stricken, the legalization of abortion in the infamous 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision further lifted the “burden” of motherhood from the shoulders of women. Abortion became the "simple" solution to failed contraception and neglected responsibility. Shockingly, a preborn baby was deemed disposable, and America's Supreme Court gave individuals the "right" to savagely murder an unborn child within the sacred space of the womb. The term "baby" was exchanged for "fetus" in an effort to discourage recognition of the fact that human life exists from the moment of conception. Paradoxically, if a pregnant woman is killed in a car accident, the at-fault driver is charged with two counts of manslaughter, yet abortion remains legal and is protected under American law.

Ironically, the top-two issues championed by radical-feminists as relating to women's health ~ contraception and abortion ~ have had exactly the opposite effect. A sharp increase in breast

cancer directly followed the Roe vs. Wade decision. A woman who has terminated a pregnancy by abortion is up to 90% more likely to develop breast cancer, whereas a natural miscarriage does not increase the risk. Medical studies also show that some forms of contraception also increase the risk for breast, cervical, and other types of cancer. As the 20th century progressed and women increasingly exercised their new-found sexual freedom, sexually transmitted diseases {STD’s} increased exponentially.

Divorce rates soared as women increasingly entered the workplace to pursue autonomy, securing their ability to be financially self-supporting. Couples traded the God-ordained covenant of marriage for no-strings-attached cohabitation and unholy, indiscriminate sexual unions. The Biblical model for the family unit was casually cast aside and deteriorated to the point of near-extinction. Increasingly, children began spending the majority of their formative years in child care centers, while single-parent moms worked to the point of exhaustion trying to make ends meet. Others opted to climb corporate ladders, abandoning their families in favor of self-empowerment.

This is faux-feminism . . . a misguided, convoluted ideology which has persuaded millions to embrace a false understanding of God’s opinion of the fair sex.

Let’s compare the Divine view of women to that of the modern radical-feminist:


Biblical feminism says:

“She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her.”

~ Proverbs 3:15

Radical feminism says:

A woman’s value is held within her personal power, independence, accomplishments, education, and social position. Her worth is verified by her rights under the law.


Biblical feminism says:

“Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman without discretion.”

~ Proverbs 11:22

Radical feminism says:

Physical beauty is a tool which is acceptable for use to entice, arouse, manipulate, and dominate men. However, a woman must never consent to being regarded as a mere object of sexual fulfillment or physical beauty. She should maintain control over all sexual encounters lest a man attempt to gain superiority over her.

Marriage & Family

Biblical feminism says:

“Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.”

~ Hebrews 13:4

Radical feminism says:

Marriage is a snare established by ancient, patriarchal societies in which men are assured control over women, for personal exploitation and benefit. It is to be avoided as an unnecessary entanglement to self-realization, and a threat to equality. Marriage inhibits a woman's right to indulge in sexual relations as she sees fit, with as many partners as she desires.

Biblical feminism says:

“. . . in the Lord, woman is not independent of man, nor man of woman.”

~ 1 Corinthians 11:11

Radical feminism says:

To submit to a man is to relinquish independence and autonomy. A woman is free to explore and indulge her sexuality without the entanglements of marital commitment or unwanted pregnancy, have children without a man’s aid or interference should she so desire, and seek the full development of self. Men oppress women and prohibit a woman’s ability to reach her full potential, and it is preferential to avoid a permanent relationship.

Biblical feminism says:

“Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from Him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.”

~ Psalm 127:3-5

Radical feminism says:

Children are a largely a hindrance to a woman’s freedom to explore her sexuality, and pursue education, career, and personal goals. If a woman desires to have children, she is wise to delay starting a family until her career is well-established; a woman must limit the number of children she bears to ensure that they do not interfere with her personal goals and desires. Contraception and abortion are to be kept legal and affordable in order to ensure her absolute reproductive rights. Marriage is optional, but undesirable.

Sexual Relations

Biblical feminism says:

“Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.”

~ 1 Corinthians 6:18

“For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust . . .”

~ 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5

Radical feminism says:

There is no spiritual value held within the physical body. It is a woman’s right to enjoy sexual freedom by engaging in sexual relations with as many partners as she desires, of either sex, and to fully indulge all her lustful fantasies. She should never allow the law or religion to withhold this right, or deny her natural desires for sexual satisfaction and fulfillment. Should an undesired pregnancy result, the right to abortion is to be offered on-demand, and without restriction.

The Worth of a Woman

Tragically, in many ancient cultures, women were regarded as property. They were used and abused for the satisfaction and pleasure of the men who wrongly lorded over them. Women had no value except that which was available for exploitation. {Sadly, some man-made religions continue these depraved practices even today.} You will find accounts of this ill-treatment of women throughout the Scriptures, but I reiterate: God never sanctioned or approved of this! In such passages of Scripture, Biblical narrative is reporting on, rather than endorsing, historical events and cultural practices.

Old Testament Feminism

From the beginning of earthly time, Almighty God brought together one man and one woman in the sacred covenant of marriage, joined them in Holy and intimate union, and created new life through these vessels. He ordained that women would be the bearers of each and every human being arriving on planet Earth, accomplishing procreation through the female gender. Clearly, damsels were not created for distress, but rather for Divine design. Further, throughout Scripture, we see that God appointed both men and women through whom He would accomplish great and grave responsibilities, even during Old Testament times.


God established His irrevocable covenant with the nation of Israel through Isaac, who was miraculously born to an elderly woman called Sarah. In Genesis 17:16, the Lord told Sarah's husband Abraham, "I will bless her, and indeed I will give you a son by her. Then I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of peoples will come from her." Throughout history, the nation of Israel {Jews} have been the targets of mass-annihilation attempts, yet Almighty God has consistently protected them, bound by the covenant He established thousands of years ago.


God worked through a certain young woman in the Old Testament to save and further the entire Jewish race. As the Lord ordained, Esther was selected from among the most beautiful women of the land to become Queen of Persia, wife of King Xerxes. She would eventually risk her own life to intervene on behalf of the Jewish people by breaking all rules of royal protocol, bravely exposing the evil plots of the King’s second-in-command, and revealing her purposely-hidden Jewish ancestry. The events recorded in the book of Esther are commemorated to this day by Jews throughout the world during the celebration of Purim.

New Testament Feminism

When Jesus walked the earth, He further clarified the Holy perception of the fair sex. He not only openly challenged the accepted maltreatment of women at that time in history, but He purposely elevated women to a position of absolute equality. By intentionally involving females in the events of His life, death, and resurrection, He demonstrated how truly valuable and esteemed women are in the eyes of the Creator.

Mary, the mother of Jesus

The Lord’s promised Messiah entered humanity by means of a young woman called Mary, a betrothed virgin. God entrusted Mary with the pregnancy, birth, and rearing of Jesus, along with her husband Joseph. It was through Mary’s obedience that she willingly subjected herself to out-of-wedlock pregnancy. Surely she endured ridicule, judgment, and abandonment; faced the possibility of being stoned to death as penalty for what all would assume was the sin of fornication; and risked losing the love, honor, and devotion of her beloved fiancé, Joseph. To be an unwed mother in ancient times was beyond disgraceful ~ it was a detestable evil, and deserving of exceedingly harsh punishment. Yet the Lord entrusted this complex, monumental task to a young woman.

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene was a woman tormented and possessed by seven demons. After Jesus had cast-out the demons, she became a devout and obedient follower of the Messiah. She abandoned her former life in order to minister to and travel with Him and His disciples. She was one of many who would experience Divine healing, and the transforming Power of the Lord’s great and endless love. She remained faithful to her Lord Jesus as she witnessed His betrayal, torture, and crucifixion. It would be this woman, Mary Magdalene, to whom Jesus would first appear when He rose alive out of the grave.

The Adulteress

Jesus spared the life of this unnamed woman as she was about to be stoned to death when caught in the act of unholy sex. Jesus’ simple yet profound declaration, “Let anyone who is without sin cast the first stone”, stunned the masses by challenging their arrogant, self-righteous attitudes, particularly regarding women. Rather than condemning her to death as the law allowed, Christ revealed His Divine nature by offering her forgiveness and redemption, thereby publicly proclaiming His Heavenly authority. He didn’t condone her sin, but instead reinforced her intrinsic, God-given value as a human being by extending to her life and not death, and the opportunity for an alternative existence as a faithful Believer.

If you take an objective look at the results of the radical side of the feminist movement, the outcome has been nothing less than an alternate form of the exploitation and devaluing of women. The only difference is that, in our modern times, many members of the fair sex willingly subject themselves to being treated as possessions. The vast majority of women today readily enter into sexually intimate relationships with the absence of marital commitment, sacrifice their children on the altar of monetary gain and personal recognition, and keep themselves chained to the bondage of a godless life with no higher calling than self-fulfillment.

If you have been victimized by the false doctrine of faux-feminism {radical-feminism}, embrace the value our Creator places on the feminine sex. Rather than holding fast to cultural trends toward defiant behavior, enjoy the crown the Lord has placed on the heads of all His precious daughters. As Christian women, God has already established our matchless worth as being far above rubies!

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"Beauty is false and favor is empty, but a woman that is in awe of the Lord, she will be praised."

~ Proverbs 31:30

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