Love Story
Our culture is saturated with lewd, perverted examples of sexuality. True to his covert style, Satan uses all manner of deceit to ensnare those unfamiliar with Truth. He also succeeds in luring Believers into a precarious state of apathy, and equips them with numerous resources for justifying sinful behaviors.
While it’s usually men who succumb to tantalizing images of pornography, it’s typically women who fall prey to pornographic text, somehow rationalizing that words are less harmful than images. If we understand that all sin originates in the heart, it is impossible to justify any indulgence, no matter how harmless we believe it to be. How much poison can one ingest before falling ill?
More and more women today are allowing pornography to saturate their minds as they consume volume after volume of erotic romance novels. While there may be a plethora of innocent works which fall under the “romance” genre, many of them are nothing less than obscene works of explicit sexual affairs, detailing with vivid description every facet and all manner of erogenous encounters. As Daughters of the King of Kings, our first responsibility is to keep ourselves pure and holy, set apart for His use. Our second duty is to our husbands, keeping ourselves only unto him, in body, mind, and spirit.
Often times, we convince ourselves that conceptual sin committed in private is innocuous. Most every Christian wife would be devastated if she discovered that her husband was viewing pornographic images in secret, yet many of these very women are betraying their husbands in the same manner through their choice of reading material. Do not be deceived! Sexually explicit romance novels are neither innocent nor harmless. Pornography in any form invites detrimental consequences. Feeding lust is akin to any other addiction, and can lead to dependency and the need for further use to satisfy an unquenchable craving. There is no room in the marriage bed for anyone other than the spouse that God has Divinely appointed to you. Perhaps you have unknowingly or carelessly indulged in feeding your mind on raunchy romance novels. If so, it is never too late to seek forgiveness from God and from your beloved. Rid your home and your Kindle of any such publications, and replace them with a fresh devotion to God’s Holy Word. Seek to guard your purity for the sake of your calling as a Christian and a wife, and allow God’s abundant blessings to saturate your sacred union as never before!
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“Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.”
~ Colossians 3:5