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“Hello. I’m not available at the moment. Please leave a message and I’ll return your call.”

In this day of modern technology, auto-replies are utilized both by businesses and individuals. Recorded greetings instruct callers to leave a voicemail with a promised return call, and automatic replies offer an immediate response to those attempting contact via eMail.

Imagine if we applied this auto-reply concept to our spiritual lives. When life circumstances abruptly take a turn for the worse, or when Satan is actively attacking, picture how much more effective it would be if we immediately responded with a pre-programmed auto-reply!

Looking to Jesus as a primary example of this practice, Scripture tells us that when Satan was offering temptation to Him in the wilderness, He responded with a default, auto-reply, ‘It is written…’, followed by a portion of relevant Scripture. Rather than engaging the Devil in a verbal exchange, and rather than pondering The Deceiver’s taunting temptations, Jesus remained obedient to the Father’s Will by simply and directly responding with the infallible authority of the Word.

I must confess that, all too often, I have been guilty of defaulting to fear and doubt instead of standing firm on God’s Holy Word. Many times I have taken my focus off of Almighty God, and refocused on the event or circumstances of the moment. I have been responsible for causing great self-inflicted pain and suffering by allowing the Evil One to distract and confuse me. I have interfered with the working of the Holy Spirit by attempting to force my own will.

The marriage covenant is just such an example of the need for auto-reply. When our marriage is threatened in any way, shape, or form, it is our obligation to protect it at all cost. I know of no better way than relying on prayer and Scripture for God’s Divine directive. When Satan strikes with temptation, fear, or doubt, reply in the same manner Jesus did: ‘IT IS WRITTEN…’ God's Word is our best defense against Enemy attack, as it will never be changed, modified, or altered despite Lucifer's cunning attempts to deceive.

Never allow compromise, rationalization, or temptation to twist and pervert Scripture to justify disobedience. Root yourself firmly in God’s Word. Have at the ready default auto-replies culled from the Bible to thwart demonic aggression, however subtle. Remind the Deceiver precisely what God’s Word says. Because he cannot hear my thoughts, I frequently speak aloud to affirm that I am not available for coercion, manipulation, or defeat, and to advise him that he has no authority over me, as I am a child of the Most High.

Ready yourself! The Father of Lies continually seeks to destroy, and marriage is his pet project. If you have neglected developing auto-replies, begin to build your arsenal from God's Word as soon as possible.

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“Then Jesus said to him, "Get away from Me, Satan! For it is written, ' Worship the Lord your God, and serve only Him.' " Then the devil left Him and angels came to take care of Him.”

~ Matthew 4:10-11

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