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Being a Cheerleader

My husband is a man among men. While no human is perfect, Bobby comes mighty close! I try, as often as possible, to let him know how much I admire him, and how proud of him I am ~ not for what he’s accomplished, but for who he is. It’s imperative in marriage to be your spouse’s biggest fan. Supporting and encouraging the one to whom you are joined in Holy matrimony is necessary to his/her personal happiness, growth, and health, as well as to that of your marriage.

From the earliest days of our courtship, Bobby has been my cheerleader. There is no undertaking he’s ever told me I can’t handle. No matter what the task ~ tackle football, power tools, or writing a book ~ he always offers unreserved confidence in my abilities. If I doubt myself and say to him, “I can’t do that”, he responds with, “Of course you can!”

Not only does Bobby cheer me on, he relishes bragging about me to others. Often times, I’m completely unaware of his boasting until someone tells on him. It is virtually impossible to maintain a hold on insecurities when you have such an enthusiastic and dedicated advocate!

As a result of Bobby’s affirmation, I am inspired to return the same to him. It becomes a positive cycle which broadens exponentially, nurturing each of us individually, as well as strengthening our marital bond. Publicly acknowledging your spouse’s godly character, talents, and/or accomplishments demonstrates to others the importance of championing one another in marriage.

Let others know your husband is a man among men! Tell people your wife’s worth is far above rubies! Brag on him a little . . . put her on a pedestal. Start your own positive affirmation cycle and allow it to impact other married couples.

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“Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.”

~ Ephesians 4:29

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