Feathering a Happy Nest
It's no secret that I thoroughly enjoy "feathering my nest"! I always have. Even as a little girl, playing house was my favorite game, and rearranging my bedroom furniture was a fairly regular activity. I spent my playtime, as many little girls do, dreaming of marrying my prince charming and living happily ever after.
I eventually did meet and marry my prince charming, and we set up housekeeping in our own little nest. I soon discovered the joy of decorating ~ and re-decorating ~ my own home. Decorating, organizing, and entertaining became my passions, second only to my husband and children. Decorating books now fill the bookshelves in our reading library, and Pinterest has become a new way to visit the lovely homes of others who share my passion.
As much as I love creating a lovely, warm, and welcoming home, there is one essential ingredient that, if eliminated, instantly diminishes what I strive to establish. What truly makes a home happy is the love and respect shared by its inhabitants. I can think of a number of pretty homes I've visited whose beauty is lost in the strife, bitterness, and resentment of its occupants. What should be a haven becomes a prison. What should be a place of joy and peace becomes a place of sorrow and discord.
When we purchased our neglected old farmhouse nearly two decades ago, it required extensive renovations. Taking on such an enormous task requires a great deal of patience and perseverance. Living in an old home during renovation demands even more! The stress of renovating has the potential to cause a tremendous amount of tension in the home, but, like any other stressful season of life, weathering the storm together makes your relationship ~ and your resolve ~ stronger. Compromise, respectfulness, and kindness are necessary tools to build a solid, happy home. By working together over the course of many years, Bobby and I were able to bring to fruition the vision we shared, both for the ultimate result of our farmhouse-renovation, and for the ongoing-outcome of our marriage relationship.
If your own marriage relationship has fallen into disrepair and is suffering from neglect, it’s never too late to embark upon a renovation. It may not be possible to return your relationship to its original state, but often times, a serious and purposeful restoration results in something even better and more authentic. Be willing to roll up your sleeves, get dirty, and work hard. Expect maintenance to be ongoing. Enjoy the fruits of your labor when you experience the results of your efforts!
Anyone can have a pretty house but in order to have a happy home, you must first have a harmonious relationship. I am blessed beyond measure to have a loving, attentive, and incredibly selfless husband. Because we both try to focus on doing what makes the other happy, we have succeeded in establishing a home in which visitors immediately feel at ease. The tranquility & contentment that comes as a result of nurturing and "feathering" our relationship creates an unseen beauty in our home that gently spills over to others, warmly embracing them with serenity.
A lovely home is a delight but a happy home is pure bliss!
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“By wisdom a house is built and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge its rooms are filled with all kinds of precious & pleasing treasures.”
~ Proverbs 34:3-4